Subscribe to our audio information bank for the digital press
In the digital age, the MaxPPP news agency and the NewestPress information agency in Paris
are providing the digital press with an exclusive audio offer.
The information content, in MP3 format, can be integrated into articles, news feeds, menus,
on social networks, or podcasting platforms and voice assistants.
Every day, from Monday to Sunday, from 5am, our writing produces and realizes
information flashes, newspapers, reminder titles, weather, sports newspaper, focus, native ...
and other comments, interviews, portraits or reports on all news.
Local, national and international information,
verified, contextualized and prioritized by professional journalists.
Male or female voices, young or old?
Contact us to set up a turnkey or customized offer for your readers and listeners.
Reference your press titles on podcasting platforms and / or voice assistants.
Create and develop an "audio" service within your digital copywriting.
Monetize your podcasts (platforms and advertisers)
Downloads via or transfers via FTP server (...)
Personalized soundtrack and vignettes of illustrations (ask for a quote)
Maxppp - Christophe Mansier: +33155-651-052